I attended a Singles Christian Conference the other day entitled the Agape Event. Reknowned speaker Dr. Gary Smalley, Shaunti Feldhahn, Pastor T. C. Brantley of Restoration Springs Church and Rev. Dr. Arthur Rouner blessed the attendees with insightful and encouraging presentations.
While I welcomed the opportunity to be with other Christian singles and to be taught from God's word I can't help but wonder why the old hurts continue to come back in times of reflection as certain subjects are discussed. I have prayed and forgiven and put the past behind me in order to move forward but still, I have to wonder...is it enough? I am lead to think: What have I left out, missed, neglected, is still unresolved? But then I wonder...are those hurts and those thoughts merely things the great deceiver wants me to believe or stay distracted with to keep me from doing the things God has in mind for me? for His Kingdom?
Dr. Smalley has a 4 Day Belief Challenge - that in essence teaches one to "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" 2Cor10:5 And so I memorize and meditate on the scriptures which remind me to be humble, love the Lord, Love my neighbor and rejoice in sufferings. I replace those random negative thoughts with whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— is excellent or praiseworthy Phil 4:8 and the Spirit within me leaps for joy giving approval and rejoicing the victory over the enemy.